Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Yes....I am still trying all Different Concoctions

     O.k....I haven't posted in a while. I have just been feeling blah and there has been loads of things going on personally. Yet, here I feel like I can get away.....even for a moment. So here I am to tell you another
cooking concoction story.
 Well...tonight I decided to make soup for everyone. It may not look good but it tasted fantastic!
      So here goes.....I took a store bought whole baked chicken from last night and put it into a pot with carrots, onions, red peppers and celery. I let it simmer for 3 hours very low. Then I put NO egg yolk noodles in after the two hours and let it sit for 30 minutes. These noodles don't need a lot of cooking because they will get real soft and mushy very fast. I love them because they are so healthy for you.

So this is it below....a picture BEFORE I put the noodles in ........

Picture of the noodles I used.

Finally, this how it came out.

     As you can see it comes out more like a stew. I did put other seasonings in it like chili powder (that's why it has a red tint), basil, garlic powder and oregano. Oh.....and I know you are saying dag, that pot looks old! Well, you are correct! It was my grandmother's. Yes, it's falling apart I know. Well just the handles (the pot itself is very strong) I am so attached to it. She was such a good cook. I often wonder if she were alive would  she be into all of these cooking shows and stuff. She was a caterer and I haven't meet anyone who could make rolls like she could. She passed way before it was "IN" to cook.
Jeezzzz, I also wonder is she looking down at me now saying..." I should have taken MORE time to teach her to cook?"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Next Food Network Reject!

     The Next Food Network Star
      I haven't been feeling good for a while so I thought to myself, since I have been eating so much lately from stress and all.............I would fast on Wednesday. Well, that is what I did until about 3:30p.m. then I had a salad with heaps of dressing on it. Then I had a granola bar and then I had some carrots and dip. UGHHHH!!!!
     O.K. after that I was good (for awhile)! At 9:45p.m. I ended up having some tea and another salad. Yea, I know I was rapidly unfastening myself and my entire day of fasting! I tried though.....Lord knows I tried!!! But it was just not to be for me.....on that day at least.
     Now, we come to Thursday. Good old Thursday and what did I do???? I woke up saying to myself.....girl, don't try to starve yourself eat but eat mindfully. So, I came up with making a soup full of veggies that I can eat ALL day. I am not a fan of cold raw vegetables so I decided to get my daily dose with a soup. So, I have been watching the Food Network's show "The Next Food Network Star" and my favorite Bravo's "Top Chef". On Top Chef they were doing all kinds of puree peas and things on Wednesday night. So on Thursday I try to put a little of that action together myself. I roasted vegetables and then got my blender out to puree them..........well, things were looking good and it smelled so dag on good too. When I went to taste my little puree/soup part of the friggin' blender's rubber bottom was ALL blended up and pureed into my concoction also known as vegetable soup!
     Well, I'll be........!!!! I was so mad at myself, the blender and those cook's, chef's (WHATEVER)  on t.v. that make it seem so simple! But guess what? That didn't stop me. I got a colander and tried to strain the big pieces I could see out. Then........... I ate it!! Yes I did!!!! Rubber and all..................I ate my rubber and vegetable medley for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!!
     Yes, I am officially the Next Food Network Reject because I don't know how the heck it got all jumbled up in there in the first place???
Who knows what tomorrow will bring..........
I guess I pulled a FAST one on myself for even attempting to Fast!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

See you at the.......

drive in movies

         See you at the Drive-In!!!!
Do you know that there are STILL Drive-In's?
     I can remember as a child going to our local drive-in movie theatre. It was a fun outing for me as a child. I would have on my PJ's and just be as comfy as possible. I didn't have to worry about a crowded movie theater or bumping into someone accidentally. It was a heavenly
experience that I will cherish. Back then the movie screen seemed to be so large to me. It felt like it was in 3-D.
      I haven't been to a drive-in movie since that one closed. Then a year ago I decided to see just what happened to Drive-In's. So I began my research. I was so surprised that there were some (the last of the Mohican's) still left! So, a friend and I ventured off 3 1/2 hours to find our Drive-In paradise. Then after loads of wrong turns and bends we arrived at our spot. Now, I didn't think that with all of the high tech movie theaters a plain old drive-in would be crowded but to my dismay it was! There were people in lawn chairs with big ole' cozy blankets, it was such a great sight to behold and it took me back to my old PJ days. It was a great trip and just as I remembered.  My only regret was that we didn't make reservations at a hotel close by. The 3 1/2 hour trek back home at 12:30a.m. was a doozy!!

   So, if you have nothing to do go and support a Drive-In this weekend! If you can get there early to buy some refreshments. This is how they make proceeds to sustain their business.
Let's try to keep Drive-In's around for our children and theirs! So see you at the Drive-In!

Harvest Moon Drive In Theatre

Here are some Drive-In links: (on this site you can put your zip code in and it will give you the closest one) (a movie about drive-in's) (gives a list of operating and dead theatres by state, also how many were open in a particular year)

Monday, August 9, 2010

See my skills as a matchmaker.....

Does anyone want to hire me as a matchmaker?
This is just a brief preview into my matchmaking skills. I have always attempted to hook up people thinking I have a good knack for this. Well, to tell you the truth none of my matches ever worked out but I keep trying.
I love to see people happy and together. So here is a brief look into who I think should give it a try........
Terell , my faveee

Kim Kardashian   

Terrell Owens and Kim Kardashian would be perfect together. She is already used to the lifestyle of dating a NFL player and they both are gorgeous and very seasoned DIVAS!!!!! Ryan Seacrest Martha Stewart

               Martha Stewart and Ryan Seacrest would be PERFECT together!!!!! They both take work VERY seriously! They both are attractive and I think this cougar would just open up many more doors for him.

octo mom                       
These two would be perfect together!!!! They both LOVE reproducing! They have many children and could possibly have more. Here Octomom would have a permanent sperm donor and Flava Fav would have the ultimate BABY Mama!
flava flav

Also, we have Simon Cowell and Rupal. I don't know why but this works for me. Seems like a good fit!!!!
rupauls drag raceSimon Cowell
Lady GaGaJesse JamesSandra Bullock's ex Jesse James and Lady Gaga would do great together. She is just as edgy as he likes and she is a fierce performer.  Their unique personalities could either make it or break it! But, I say...give it a try!!!!!

Disclaimer......I hope you haven't taken me that serious!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Have you ever gotten.......

     Have you ever gotten that random e-mail at home or at work?
.......the one that has been sent to everybody that person knows and then repeated by the next person and then the next person. The one that lists at least 100 e-mail addresses and then yours.  We have all gotten them, some of us more than others though. It's usually no harm just something to give us a little chuckle; something to break up the normality of our days. Well, I received one of these e-mails recently with a sign in it I posted below. I never really thought about it before. I never really cared where the e-mail originated. Or if the author or the creator of the e-mail intentionally looked for this crazy weird thing or did they in fact take the picture or video of it themselves. brought me to the quest of seeing what's out there in the world of crazy signs. Some of these signs I wonder what was the thought process of those creating them.
Here they are........

First there's
Funny Acronym Sign
I mean didn't anyone here know that SHIT was a curse word in English?

Then there's

Funny Sign

What about this one.....

Then there's.......

This one is extremely detailed....
It should be rated R
It's sooooo detailed.
Funny German Sign

This one here is just totally weird.........
I mean what are people doing in bathrooms these days?
Funny Sign

We also have.......
Lost in translation.
Funny Sign

Can I give this excuse to the cops too?????

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How SILLY is this?????

Silly Bands!
Pretty cool right!!!!

   Silly bands or so called SILLY BANDZ are the newest craze for kids these days.......
 You should have heard of them by now. For those of you that have children between the ages of 8 and 18 then silly bandz are nothing new to you. my daughter gears up for her school year she is getting her stash of silly bandz ready. These cool rubber bands are multi-colored and they come in a whole bunch of incredible shapes like stars, fruit, and animals. Some of them even glow in the dark. They are really becoming a hot item among young kids today.

I wear my silly you? My daughter will give me some of her silly bandz to wear, I wear them without difficulty or putting up a fuss. Actually now, I have resorted to looking through the packs with her and picking out my own. But it does take me back to when I was young. I used to emulate Madonna's every move. She was the "IT" girl to follow for tweens back in the 80's. She wore rubber bands around her arm and so did every other girl from here to Timbuktu. But I can't remember my mom wearing them. I don't even think I would have had the guts to ask her. It just never occurred to me back then. She may have worn them if I insisted.....hmmmmmmm I don't know?  But today kids are different....they demand a different kind of parenting than what we had.
Madonna and her famous rubber bracelets...
(1980's circa)

Even when we are out my daughter will look for moms and other adults with silly bandz on. Do you wear your silly bandz? If not, you better get some! They are one of the most inexpensive gifts to buy. You can buy them just about anywhere. They are sold at Dollar Tree, CVS, Walgreen's and even gas stations. They range in price depending on where you go from $1.00 to $6.00 per pack. They are usually sold right in front near  check out.
 It's funny how trends repeat themselves. My daughter allowed me to take some pictures of her silly bandz and some recent packs she purchased.
Here they are:

Oh...and if you do have children and or grandchildren going back to school ask if SILLY Bandz are allowed because some schools are banning them for being too distracting to children while they are in school. Other schools just have firm guidelines that they are only to be played with or traded during lunch time, recess and after school programs. Here are some links:

An Ode to Benji....not really it just sounded good.....

      As I was driving today, I saw a dog that reminded me of the first dog I ever had. Benji. I got Benji when I was nine years old. He stayed apart of my life and my family until I was about 20 years old. My parents came to visit me and I remembered I said to them quite matter of factually...."How's Benji?" Well..... they looked at each other and then at me and my father gently explained that Benji was no more!!!! I broke down in front of my parents and two friends. I whimpered, "Why didn't you tell me"? Looking back.......they did the best they could with telling me and I know that their intentions were good. It was hard and uncomfortable for them too.

     Well, Mr. Benji as I so named him, was very unique as dogs go. I named him Benji after BENJI the dog in several movies I fell in love with as a child. Remember .....I was nine when I got him. He NEVER ever barked at anyone or anything. Well....I heard him bark only once which was weird. I still wonder what Benji saw in that person to get him all riled up. He was such a friendly dog. When someone was at the door he got excited and waged his tale to no end. He was always ready for entertaining company. He also had a smile that would out shine any sun rise.........

     O.k.....I digress. My point for this itsy-bitty Commemorate to Benji was sparked by a dog I saw that looked so much like him. It made me think of all of good times we shared the vacations we went on and so forth. In seeing the dog today I wondered if that dog had the same characteristics as my Benji did being they were the same breed and all. I wanted to stop and ask the person but people today are so peevish I didn't want to bother.

    Benji was a COCKAPOO. A cocker spaniel and poodle mixed. I NEVER see these types of dogs anymore. These days "TOY" dogs are all the rage so it was so cool to see someone with a good old fashioned cockapoo. I mean I have never talked to anyone else that said they or anyone they know has a cockapoo. Every time I have discussed dear Benji people they always say ....."Oh, I've never seen a cockapoo, what kind of dog is that?" I wonder maybe they have seen it and thought it was just a poodle or something else........... I really don't know. But I miss Benji, he was a blast. His disposition was just right for a child like me. I treated him like a baby and he dealt with it patiently and he was never aggressive.
I kinda miss him now.
Well, as I end this stroll down Benji lane, I wanted to share with you some of his pictures...........
Freshly groomed and lookin' sharp!
Needing a cut badly.......

In between his grooming appointments.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Jersey Housewives with their guest star......... Kim G????

scary housewives of new jersey

Last night's episode was so filled with backstabbing drama. Kim G. told Danielle's business (wanting to find her birth mom) to the other Housewives. Kim G. came on the scene this year as Danielle's dear and faithful friend. She clearly stated in the beginning that she wasn't friend's with Caroline so then Danielle felt comfortable letting her into her life. Danielle was sooooo wrong for doing that!!!!

      The matronly Kim G. is still paying Reindeer Games. She should have thrown in the towel on those games a good 15 years ago. Danielle had her agenda BUT Kim G's was MUCH more calculated with her plan to weasle her way into the "IN" crowd. Kim G. wants to be a housewife so bad she took the easiest road there (Danielle). She sang on occasion  Rodney King's....."Can We all Get Along" and other times she went right in for the kill. I wanted to believe she was a good person BUT her 2-faced actions spoke much louder than her words.

   While Kim G. was shouting and cursing at Danielle about how sqaure her ta-ta's were. Teresa was in la la land planning and executing an outrageously expense christening party for her youngest bambina Audriana. Dear Joe fullfilled his wifes EVERY wish for the extravagant party. I still wonder what would a scaled down Teresa be like? Would she except it or would she fight it tooth and nail? They are truly a beautiful family with lots of LOVE, but if she had to take one for the HOME team and scale it down a few notches could she??? I mean...I couldn't see her at Walmart catching the sales and stuff..........


Remember this game....