Saturday, August 7, 2010

Have you ever gotten.......

     Have you ever gotten that random e-mail at home or at work?
.......the one that has been sent to everybody that person knows and then repeated by the next person and then the next person. The one that lists at least 100 e-mail addresses and then yours.  We have all gotten them, some of us more than others though. It's usually no harm just something to give us a little chuckle; something to break up the normality of our days. Well, I received one of these e-mails recently with a sign in it I posted below. I never really thought about it before. I never really cared where the e-mail originated. Or if the author or the creator of the e-mail intentionally looked for this crazy weird thing or did they in fact take the picture or video of it themselves. brought me to the quest of seeing what's out there in the world of crazy signs. Some of these signs I wonder what was the thought process of those creating them.
Here they are........

First there's
Funny Acronym Sign
I mean didn't anyone here know that SHIT was a curse word in English?

Then there's

Funny Sign

What about this one.....

Then there's.......

This one is extremely detailed....
It should be rated R
It's sooooo detailed.
Funny German Sign

This one here is just totally weird.........
I mean what are people doing in bathrooms these days?
Funny Sign

We also have.......
Lost in translation.
Funny Sign

Can I give this excuse to the cops too?????

1 comment:

Remember this game....