Friday, September 3, 2010

2012 .......Fact or Fiction????

mayans 2012,mayan 2012,2012 apocalypse     Some of us are living in the here and now and haven't given 2012 another thought. Yet there are others who are preparing themselves for the END. Whatever kind of end you may think. I'm still trying to figure it out myself. It all reminds me of when we were preparing for the year 2000( Y2K). People weren't sure of what to expect. Some went OVER board with all of the hype. There were news reports and interviews with people that were storing food and emergency items for the GREAT Y2K that never was. But luckily we were ALL safe. Should we have thanked the Heavens, scientists or whoever else kept us from total disaster?
     Now, we have reports supposedly made by the Mayan, Stonehenge, and others; we hear that it's the end, the Rapture, a great disaster, a master mix of things to come. What shall it be??

     Are you one of the foolish who laugh it off and ignore it or are you the SUPER preparers ready to take on 2012 with a fight? I am not sure which category I have placed myself...or have I been put in the foolish department by default............

December 2007 (Our Calendar) = December 2012 (...Image via Wikipedia

1 3 09  Bearman Cartoon 2012 End of the World ...Image by Bearman2007 via Flickr
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