Sunday, July 25, 2010

Diversity by way of Barbies.........

My daughter loves Barbie's....she has them in ALL shapes sizes and colors. These are her BARBIE's ABOVE.

But seeing her play with her Barbies allowed me to reflect on this DIVERSE world in which we live in.

Some people are totally against diversity.......... fighting it tooth and nail. Some are gradually wakening up to the idea...... and there are others it just doesn't effect because of where they live and what they do so they could care less......

It's OK to have your OWN views on this subject...because this makes you who you are. Weather I or anyone else agrees with your views is pointless because NO one has lived your particular life and experience all that you have.

But I do believe we ALL are sharing this world for a reason. It would be nice if we could stay safe in our COMFORT ZONE of people who look and act like us BUT how would we grow as people as individuals???? What lessons would we learn if we are constantly surrounded ourselves with CARBON Copies of ourselves for the rest of our lives........

I PERSONALLY want to keep growing as a person........

I love who I am and I am proud of that. Everyone should be proud of their culture and so forth!!! But there is room in our lives to grow from those totally DIFFERENT than ourselves........

It's OK to have frustrating views about other cultures(at times) we are HUMAN!!!! If people don't do things like us or what we view as right or wrong it could get a little annoying to us.  BUT also DON'T succumb to those views because everyone is different. Just as we have good and bad days we have good and bad thoughts and opinions. But we shouldn't HOLD on to them........ALWAYS keep our hearts and minds OPEN for NEW thoughts just as we look ahead for better days........

Keep moving and keep evolving or this world will leave you behind!!!!!!
Or choose not too....whatever works for you!!!

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